2012 - 2013 Exchange Students fall & Christmas 041A North Penn student can express interest in becoming an exchange student to one of our partner schools.  Students are generally sent during their 11th grade (junior year) therefore an interested student needs to complete an application in their 10th grade (sophmore).

All applicants are interviewed and one student is selected for each partner school to represent the North Penn High School for the school exchange year.

All applicants must be willing to give up the entire junior grade at North Penn and forgo the North Penn activities during that year.  This experience is a wonderful opportunity to study abroad, immerse them in another culture, and to engage in a rewarding experience that will bring about a perspective that is sure to enrich the student’s life.

The selected student will experience life with a host family that not only provides a safe and caring environment, but will help you adjust in this different culture.   Sharing in the day to day activities of a foreign house will develop an appreciation for people around the world and will help you become a better citizen of the world.

The selected exchange student is awarded a full scholarship, which includes travel, tuition to partner school, a monthly stipent and room and board with a host family.

Requirements to become an exchange student

  • applicants should be outgoing and able to adjust to a different environment
  • must be a good student and willing to learn using a different language
  • must be in good health
  • must be a positive individual
  • must be flexible and willing to experience the different culture.
  • complete application in the 1st semester of their sophomore year (10th grade)
  • download and complete the required application online
  • must have adequate global insurance both medical and comprehensive

CLICK EXCHANGE HERE FOR APPLICATION- NPHS Student Exchange Application .  All applications for students applying for the 2025- 2026 school year abroad must be submitted by 2:30 PM on Friday, February 28.  All information (including teacher recommendations, self portrait, NPHS transcript, official passport or school picture and 5 candid pictures) must be submitted with the application although medical information can be submitted up until the time of the scheduled interview.  Please send photos electronically or with application (Please do not staple photos to application).   Please submit applications to Mrs. Donna Bondi at bondid@npenn.org, Mrs. Michelle McLarnon at mclarnmr@npenn.org  or Ted Knauss at tedknauss@yahoo.com.    Passports must be obtained by chosen applicants no later than April 30, 2025.

CLICK HERE to download private physical form.

Germany trip 2023

http://northpennifc.org/germany-trip-2023/If you are interested in the German trip for 2023 please click her for information